After a lot of trial and error here’s how I got code in markdown to work in WordPress.
2 plug-ins are required
Smart Syntax for adding class="prettyprint lang-xyz
to the <pre>
Prettify Code Syntax for the most flexible syntax highlighter I have ever found for WordPress.
Finally, go to Settings - Prettify Code Syntax
and change the top of the Custom css
to this
.prettyprint .com { color: #008000; }
.prettyprint .str, .tag { color: #A31515; }
.prettyprint .kwd, .atv { color: #0000FF; }
.prettyprint .typ { color: #2B91AF; }
.prettyprint .lit, .atn { color: #FF0000; }
.prettyprint .pun, .pln { color: #000000; }
.prettyprint .dec { color: #800080; }
pre.prettyprint code,
.post-content pre.prettyprint,
.post-content code.prettyprint,
.post-content pre.prettyprint code,
.comment-content pre.prettyprint,
.comment-content code.prettyprint,
.comment-content pre.prettyprint code {
background-color: #F6F6F6; display: block;
It’s ok but there still problems with the <pre>
tags being rendered differently between the home page and the individual post page and it shrinks down to almost nothing on a mobile device.